Well as usual it's been a long time since I've updated. If anyone reads this blog can you leave me some comments! I think sometimes I just feel like I'm talking to myself here..lol. Comments would be much loved and appreciated so I know someone out there is reading! :D
Not a whole lot going on in my camp. One of my older girls (I hate to call her old cause it's hard to believe she's over a year and a half old now!) has what I think is an abcess next to her vagina. She's had one in the same spot like 3 times now. The first 2 times I was able to clear it up pretty quickly but this time it's REALLY taking a long time to heal. I found an amazing new product that is working really well though! Once I get this thing all cleared up I'm gonna do a review (here and on my channel) because I really believe this stuff is worth it! It's a bit pricey but I believe it's worth the investment! I've seen impressive healing in just the last 4 days.
I've also recently got a couple birds. One is my moms, and one is mine. They aren't a lot of work, but they can be incredibly noisy sometimes! My mom's is really laid back, mine on the other hand...let's just say..he doesn't like me much yet. LOL. Hopefully I can win him over soon though!
Other then that, not much else going on around here. I'm going to a street festival this weekend (if it doesn't rain) and I'm excited for the food! (I LOVE FUNNEL CAKES!) Might be making a trip to Pittsburgh this weekend to meet my boyfriends aunt from out of town- so that should be fun.
That's all for tonight my little rat loving friends! Hope you enjoy tomorrows video and have a great weekend! Love you all! <3