I know there are a lot of questions about rat behavior. What's normal for a rat to be doing, and what should I look for if there is a problem. I'm going to list some common behavior among rats--some not so appealing, but we love our furry kids just the same. Here's what I've come up with so far!
Rats love to sleep, a lot! They will sleep just about anywhere, in piles, in baskets, on their backs, in their litter boxes, in their food bowls, in their wheels, and funniest of all- curled up on their heads.
Rats will steel food from each other, they will hide it- sometimes in the weirdest places. My rats enjoy storing their snacks in their litter box (ewww!!) Some hide it in their baskets, sometimes in their igloos...I've even found it in my bed before! They're natural stashers- so don't be surprised if you wake up and all the food is gone out of their bowl..chances are most of it is hiding somewhere in their cage!
Rat's will boggle when they're happy. What's boggling? Well check out this video, you'll see a great example in the video to the right, of my girl Sandy!
Rats WILL hump each other..lol. And it has nothing to do with *sexual preferences* most of the time its because one is showing dominance over the other. In some cases female rats will hump other females when they're in heat too. Gotta love nature!
Rats will play! Sometimes they play so rough that it sounds like they're fighting. Theres rarely a night that goes by in my house where it doesn't sound like my girls are half killing each other! Unless blood is being drawn, then they're just playing..sometimes you just wanna get in the middle and break them up, but it's really better to let them handle it themselves.
They love to *redecorate* their cage. So you spend an hour, cleaning their cage, putting down nice clean blankets, putting everything in it's place- you come back an hour later and it looks like a tornado came through! I swear they're worse then teenagers! My girls even love to dig up their fleece and cover their *usually empty* food bowls..weirdos!
Many rats love to CHEW! Some rats are natural chewers, some may never chew. I've always had a lot of chewers and I've given up being annoyed with it (does no good anyway, trust me!). My only warning is- when they're out of their cage for playtime- PLEASE watch them and make sure they can't get into any wires..you don't want an eletrical burned rat!
seriously, how can you stay mad at a face like this!?
Rats love to climb! Very few of my rats actually take the ramps in their cage..especially when they're in a hurry! They look like Tarzan in there climbing all over the bars of the cage. I had a girl many years ago (my first) she actually hung upside down from the bars on the top of the cage, it was histerical ..lol.
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