Saturday morning I called my vet and they said I could bring her in. We waited in the waiting room and she was very very good. She sat in a blanket in my arms and just ate a million chocolate chips..I let her have as many as she wanted until they took her back. She went very quickly, I think her heart was weak from dragging that thing around for so long. I'm glad she went quickly for her sake and mine.
When you take care of a sick or elderly animal for a long period of time, you create a strong bond with them- and although sometimes she only *tolerated* me..I know she loved me. And I loved her so very very much. On Sunday I buried her in one of her blankets, next to all her previous brothers and sisters that I had before her. This is how I will always remember my girl:
Before the nasty monster tumor! |
I was not looking forward to making this post- even though I knew the day would come, you can never be fully prepared to say goodbye to a pet. And no matter how many you've had to say goodbye to in the past, it never gets any easier. It hit me Saturday night when I didn't have to give her her meds...thank god my boyfriend was here..or it would have been even more of a rough night.
Well I'm working on a new video for the channel now, then I'm gonna get my chores done and head to bed early I think tonight, it was a long and stressful weekend.
Daily Boggles:
- I rented 4 movies tonight, The Chernobyl Diaries, Hotel Transylvania, Men in Black 3, and Ted. I also bought Dark Shadows- the new Johnny Depp I'll keep myself busy
- work has been picking up a lot more..I was scheduled for 5 days this week (although I was sent home early today because we were so slow)
- I kinda feel like I might be getting sick again, I hope not!
- I need to stop neglecting this blog..for some reason I can't seem to keep up with this blog! ugh! Sorry bout that!