Monday, March 4, 2013

I spoke too soon about Sandy :(

I was so excited about Sandy last night, but I spoke too soon :(. I was cleaning the cage this afternoon and I was checking on Sandy and I found that she had a section on the tumor with a decent amount of pooled blood under the skin..I'm not sure what's happened if it's a ruptured blood vessel or if the tumor itself is rupturing..*sigh*. I've made a few posts on the rat forum that I'm a part of to get some opinions on what it is, and where I should go from here. She's not acting like she is in any pain and she wasn't acting any differently- other then she didn't want to be picked up (which is understandable--she never did like to be held much). So right now I'm playing a waiting game before I decide what I want to do. I'll update again as soon as I figure out what I'm doing. Here's a video I shot this afternoon...:/

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