Monday, March 25, 2013

R.I.P. Sandy :(

Well unfortunately Sandy's time had come. I've been wrestling with having her put to sleep for quite a while now, every time I thought that it was her time..she would do something amazing and let me know she just wasn't ready yet. The end of last week she was beginning to look very very skinny- she was eating almost non stop and still seemed to be losing weight (from her body), but that tumor just kept growing and growing. The skin was becoming necrotic from lack of proper blood supply. I just couldn't let her continue on in that state. She was still fairly happy but I knew she would go down hill fast.

Saturday morning I called my vet and they said I could bring her in. We waited in the waiting room and she was very very good. She sat in a blanket in my arms and just ate a million chocolate chips..I let her have as many as she wanted until they took her back. She went very quickly, I think her heart was weak from dragging that thing around for so long. I'm glad she went quickly for her sake and mine.

When you take care of a sick or elderly animal for a long period of time, you create a strong bond with them- and although sometimes she only *tolerated* me..I know she loved me. And I loved her so very very much. On Sunday I buried her in one of her blankets, next to all her previous brothers and sisters that I had before her. This is how I will always remember my girl:

Before the nasty monster tumor!
I'm a little worried about Dee, she's the only oldie left and she loved cuddling with Sandy..they were best buds. Now she's dealing with the 2 little brats who never calm down! She's seems to be getting along pretty well though. No signs of withdrawal or anything so I think she'll be ok. I do always find her cuddled with the other girls so I think they're giving her lots of cuddles.

I was not looking forward to making this post- even though I knew the day would come, you can never be fully prepared to say goodbye to a pet. And no matter how many you've had to say goodbye to in the past, it never gets any easier. It hit me Saturday night when I didn't have to give her her meds...thank god my boyfriend was here..or it would have been even more of a rough night.

Well I'm working on a new video for the channel now, then I'm gonna get my chores done and head to bed early I think tonight, it was a long and stressful weekend.

Daily Boggles:

  • I rented 4 movies tonight, The Chernobyl Diaries, Hotel Transylvania, Men in Black 3, and Ted. I also bought Dark Shadows- the new Johnny Depp I'll keep myself busy
  • work has been picking up a lot more..I was scheduled for 5 days this week (although I was sent home early today because we were so slow)
  • I kinda feel like I might be getting sick again, I hope not!
  • I need to stop neglecting this blog..for some reason I can't seem to keep up with this blog! ugh! Sorry bout that!

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