Man I'm such a horrible blogger. I never think to update this blog at all, but I'm going to continue to try and remember to work on it though! Life just gets in the way sometimes! Been working, spending time with loved ones, and also been having a lot of issues with my internet. The people came and worked on our internet though and it seems to be working a bit better now- so hopefully that'll continue. On with the rest of the blog though
I still miss my girl Sandy a lot, I had such a bond with her while I was taking care of her..that's the thing with sick rats- you form a stronger bond with them because you're constantly caring for them. Dee seems to still be ok..her hind end degeneration seems to be progressing some though. I hate hind end weakness/degeneration it makes them so weak. It isn't painful for her but it just makes them look so old and feeble-more then they actually are I'm sure.
My newest video on youtube is about rats hoarding food and I got some cute video of Pixie stuff food in her face and hiding video will go live tomorrow and I'll post it here then.
I'm gonna head off here for now, but I'm gonna do my best to keep updating!! Thanks for my few readers that I have and please leave me some comments, or even video requests here too! :)
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