Monday, July 8, 2013

Dee is making some progress!

Well I can say that Dee has had quite a turn around here in the last couple of days. She's been pretty darn feisty!! Last night I seen her in the cage eating a lab block and went over to watch. One of the babies (I think it was Olivia) was trying to take her lab black and she would NOT let her take it. Now this is common in rats- however to see such an old and sick rat behave this way makes me quite happy. She has also been much more active lately. Tonight I was up playing with all the girls and she actually wanted out for me to hold her and she wanted on my shoulder- something she hasn't done in MONTHS. I obviously I had to carefully help her onto my shoulder, then she crawled down in my arms and let me hold her for a little bit. She also gave me kisses today! Something she hasn't done for several weeks. She also seems to have put on some weight which is fantastic. The damn tumor on her face however is still growing :( Here's a pic I just took tonight:

I really, really, really, hate tumors! But for an old lady with HED, chronic URI,  and 2 tumors..she's doing exceptionally well! I'm about to head off of here- but I just wanted to give a quick update!

Daily Boggles
  • I'm watching the x-files tonight!
  • I watched madagascar 3 last night- it was HILARIOUS! *AFRO CIRCUS!*
  • my moms going camping this weekend and my boyfriend is coming this weekend to stay so I'm excited to just relax and watch some movies
  • I really need to go to bed 

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