Sunday, July 7, 2013

MORE TUMORS!! :( early last week I discovered that my old girl Dee has yet ANOTHER tumor! This is a new one for me because it is on her face! I have never seen nor heard of a tumor in this location on a rat before. So I headed over to my rat forum that I belong to. They told me that while this is rare, it can happen unfortunately. They said it could also be an abcess on her face rather then a tumor, but I really do believe it is a tumor. It is very hard and is right between her eyes. I will add a pic:

this was taken last week, it is definitely bigger now :(
I will try and get an updated pic very soon so that you all can follow the progression. Her breathing has also worsened unfortunately. Although the last couple of days she seems to have perked up a bit and a little bit of her personality is definitely back. She is such a sweet old lady, and for sure a fighter! I'm going to continue fighting with her until she is no longer comfortable. She doesn't seem to be in any pain from either tumor. She was losing quite a bit of weight, but she seems to have put on a few grams in the last couple days- so that's good. I did a video this past Friday on HED and will be doing a blogpost about it tomorrow possibly.

I really want to get on a regular posting schedule here. I have trouble keeping up with videos sometimes too- but this place is REALLY hard for me to keep up with most of the time. I'm not sure why, I love writing. I think it's mostly because I work during the day, and have a lot to do when I get home- and by nighttime I just want to relax and veg out in front of the I'm not sure how many days I want to try and post, but I definitely should be doing it at least once a week. So I'm going to shoot for once a week general updates, and a corresponding blog post for each video that I make! Hopefully that will get me on the right track! I still need to film a video for this weeks Friday Facts- not sure what I want to do it on yet, but I'm thinking either respiratory infections or aggression - those seem to be the topics I get the most questions on. So I will be thinking about it and deciding what I want to do very soon.

I'm not sure exactly how many people read my blog--but if anyone does--please leave comments!! I feel like I'm talking to myself!! LOL.

Well it's pretty late here so I'm gonna get off here for the night and try and get a good night's sleep for a change! I'll be working on more stuff soon! Love you guys!



Daily Boggles

  • I totally rented some awesome movies last week. My new favorite movie is Warm Bodies! It's AWESOME! It's a great combination of a horror, love story, and comedy! I highly recommend if you like any of those types of movies! I also rented Madagascar 3--it was pretty awesome too actually (I'm such a kid at heart!)
  • Work has been slowing down the last few weeks (which is weird cause this is normally our busy season). It's HARD on the paycheck--I'm really trying to learn how to budget!
  • My dog was sick last week too--he had explosive diarrhea--but seems to be doing fine now. That's the second time that's happened (it happened once last year). Dunno if he's eating something he's not supposed to, or had some kind of stomach bug going on.
  • I've been watching episodes of Murder She Wrote on netflix...I'm showing my age I was a child of the 80's- what can I say!
  • I really want to start painting again- I miss it. 

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