Wednesday, January 16, 2013

First day!

Well this is my first official post past introductions. All is quiet in the rat homestead. Everyone has finally went to sleep for the night (I hope!). Pixie was starting fights again tonight as usually- she just can't let anyone be! I woke up last night to them getting into an argument and squeaking like crazy. She thinks shes top rat and has to push everyone around all the time. Hopefully once she's out of her *teenage* phase she'll calm down and be more lady like! LOL.  Sandy seems to be adjusting well to her tumor's continuous growth. I know eventually I'm going to have to have her put to sleep, I'm just trying to enjoy every moment with her. Sweetie was put to sleep a few weeks ago (she also had a tumor- but a much worse one that had ruptured) and I'm just not ready to let go of another one yet. She's still her grumpy old self though, she comes to the cage door when I come over because she hopes shes going to get her *treat* (medicine) but when she realizes I just come to give her lovin's she runs for the hills...she gives me this look like *how dare you touch me, human*...she's a brat. Dee is definitely showing her age more and more, her hair seems to be thinning a little bit, but I still see her on that wheel at least once a day! I hope I can get my butt off the couch when I reach her Anyway I'm gonna head off here for the night, can't wait to see what tomorrow might bring in the rat world!

Before I go, Im going to start including a *daily boggle* section. (boggling is what a rat does when they're incredibly happy and relaxed--google a video sometime!--it's interesting to see if you've never seen it! So here are my  Daily Boggles:

  • had chinese for dinner tonight, my fav!
  • Chinese food doesn't stick with you though- I'm about to have some pretzels before bed
  • I've been watching this show Disappeared, on netflix--it's so depressing but still interesting
  • I need to quit skipping my meds, I'm in a lot of pain tonight
  • I didn't exericese today...Bad Nikki!
  • I just made my first *professional* video and its currently uploading on that I actually edited, and put in some special effects...etc...Im excited!

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