Wednesday, January 23, 2013

working hard on the youtube channel and blog!

I've been working really hard on getting some good content on my accompanying youtube channel. I've decided I will have 3 regular upload dates a week. Monday, Tuesday and Friday! Here's what I've got:

Monday Movie Madness: Where you can see all the antics that my rats have been up to through the week. Cute videos of them running around, sleeping, eating...basically doing rat things.

Quick Tip Tuesday: Will be a short  video on quick tips for your rat. Best treats, best litter/bedding, great toys to make at home..things like that

Friday Facts: This will be the long informative video of the week. Videos on how to set up a cage, first aid kits, basically important information you need but will be expanded and show me talking to the camera and explaining things.

I'm gonna go with this setup for a while and see how I like it. I don't think I'll be very comforatble in FRONT of the camera for a while. But we'll see how that goes. My boyfriend is going to help me with filming until I can figure out a setup that I can do by myself. It might take me a while to find my groove, but I'm excited about it!

I will also upload videos randomly about other things, like updates on Sandy's tumor or any other things that might be going on with my rats personally  that don't fit into the other categories. It's basically going to depend on how much time I have between the other videos as well as work and my personal life as we'll see how it goes!

Right now in the rat world, everyones asleep except for Dee, she's roaming around the cage eating and drinking. All is quiet on the homefront for now! LoL that could change at any moment Well I'm off to work on other projects for this blog and the channel. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy everything!

Daily Boggles:
  • My mom's pretty sick so I cooked lunch for her. And no one had to work today so we're all just hanging out around the house.
  • I discovered these CLIFF bars. I think they're basically like meal replacement bars..they're great in the morning when I don't have to work. I usually wake up later on the days I don't work and don't want to eat a meal that close to lunch time..and they're not too expensive.
  • The weather here has been freezing! Ive had a sweater on all day and I still can't manage to keep warm! Ugh!

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