Wednesday, January 16, 2013

introducing my rats:

Hi and welcome to our blog!
So I've decided to start a blog for my pet rats! This will give you a run down of the day to day life of owning pet rats. You'll see the up's and downs as well as how I deal with sick ratlets too.  Some will be written from the rats point of view.You'll meet my crew and get a feel for exactly how who they are and their unique personalities. You'll even get lots of videos of them being rats, as well as some of the important things and FAQ's about owning pet rats. I currently own 4 girls, and I'll give you a rundown of each:


Sandy is one of my oldest girls, she's right around the 2 year age mark. She's a dark silver grey. I'm honestly not sure exactly what her coat color is considered. She is currently battling a URI (upper respiratory infection) and she has a large mammary tumor. She is quite a snob when it comes to people. She would never bite anyone, but she also would rather be left alone, unless she graces you with her presence ;). She is not currently in any pain from her tumor and is on 2 antibiotics permanently for her ongoing URI, but she let's neither of them get in her way she's a happy old ratlet. Her favorite treats are golden grahams and chocolate chips, and her favorite thing to do is lounge around and ignore

Here's the latest  video of her:


Dee is also an older lady. I got her around the same time as Sandy- both as babies. Her coloring is a white and beige hooded girl. She is a gentle old soul. She was never a hyper girl (even when she was young), she pretty much just meanders through life, very laid back. She has a bit of respiratory issues as well and is currently on 2 antibiotics. She doesn't let that bother her because her favorite past time is running on her wheel. Well...she doesn't run as much as she used to..but she definitely takes several *strolls* on her wheel every day.

Dee on right


Pixie is the youngest and most playful girl in my group. She just can't leave the other rats alone. Sometimes she even starts fights in the middle of the night.  But the next morning I'll find everyone sleeping together in heap in their basket! She is PEW girl with a brown spot on her nose and by her tail. She is an awesome little girl, and just love to play with people!

Pixie on left

Lucy is the people lover of the group! She adores people and wants nothing more then to be the center of attention at all times. She will give kisses pretty much on command, and she also loves sniffing your ear and grooming your hair too! She wants you to know you're loved, and she wants to be loved. She wins over hearts all the time, and I'm sure she'll win over yours as well!

Lucy on top, Sweetie on left bottom (R.I.P.) and Dee on the right
Well that abour wraps up the introductions. I do hope you enjoy the read and follow all these girls as they live their lives. Check back in every few days, you'll get lots of updates, and pics and videos..hope you enjoy!

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